Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, January 26, 2012

32 Weeks...Still a Boy!

Wow so, I totally meant to post at 30 weeks but there was no new news (in a good way) and so I kept putting it off.  Next thing you know, since I'm going to the doctor every 2 weeks, here I am at my 32 week appointment! I tell you this is REALLY flying by!!  8 more weeks is all I have left and I do have a long term sub, yay! But I havent even begun to plan for when Im out yet. I really need to get started incase Cooper decides to make his debut early.  

Well, at my last appointment, the doc asked where James was. These last apptmts are pretty uneventful since all they usually do is listen to the heartbeat or feel around to make sure all is ok so James didn't go with me. I told the doc. he didnt come since they were boring =) so the doc said he would do an ultrasound at 32 weeks for fun.  James didn't end up going today but I still got my ultrasound, yipee! Cooper is head down but really likes his arms in his face but here are 2 good pics we got. 

Check out those pouty lips!

Here you can see his left eye opened up like he was saying, "pee-a-boo!"

Now for the funny story! I was starting to have these feelings and thoughts of , "what if this baby is really a girl?"  then, like 2 days later, my friend Christie told me she had a dream that I had a girl!  It was really weird timing so that made my thoughts even stronger. So, since the doc was doing an ultrasound anyway, I asked if he would check to be sure it was still a boy and told him why. He laughed and this is the pic he printed just for you Christie:

I realize it doesnt look like what you thought but the bottom white part is his bottom and the big circle connected is the family jewels, lol.  If you look really close (its better in person) you can see the 2 circles inside. The doc even typed in at the top "see...testes!" hahaha, he has a good sense of humor!

The doctor just kept laughing and as he was measuring Cooper, his little privates kept showing up and he would say, "yep, still a boy." or "thats the most for sure boy ive seen in a while."  So yay, Cooper is a boy, no surprises here! He is measuring right on time and was moving like crazy, even for the doctor.

All is still great and I feel great!  I have been feeling the tendons below my belly stretch and have had a few leg cramps at night but other than that its all good! J loves to sing backyardigans or rock a bye baby to my belly and Cooper even seems to respond by moving more when he's singing.  It's been a while since I've posted a belly pic and its grown quite a bit so here he is:

32 weeks
Looking back at J's blog, I feel like I look pretty similar to then although in this pic, my belly looks kind of low.  I'm still going every 2 weeks for,  I believe,  the next month and then it's every week! CRAZY!  My students crack me up because out of the blue one will say, "Mrs. Moseley, your baby is getting really big" or "It's hard for you to get up off the floor huh?"  or even "you still have a baby in your belly?" LOL, they are so sweet though.  

So, those are the updates for now. I have some WONDERFUL people throwing showers for me soon an I'm very excited.  I'm looking forward to the next 8weeks and i'm going to try to rest up while I can before the real craziness begins!  

Thanks for reading and Ill keep updating.

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