Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, August 21, 2011

This is Where it all Began...

Thanks for reading our blog! We hope to keep this one updated as much as we did with J's. I know already that it will be harder because I am just now getting around to starting this one. I thought that I was just about 10 weeks but as my cute little ticker says right at this moment, I am closer to 9 (but whose counting). I am due March 21st and I actually have 2 friends due in March too! What a special month it will be.

So onto the details, DISCLAIMER: I will try not to go into too much detail as I know most of you will think TMI. There may be some info you could care less about but I feel it is important to the story to just block it out =)

James and I assumed it would take us a lot longer to get pregnant this time because with J it happened right away. We felt that there was no way we could be so lucky and blessed for that to happen again but...God is good and here we are again! We wanted to try to plan it for the end of the school year again so that I could possibly just miss the rest of the year and not be out any money. We figured that we had the summer months through about Aug./Sept. to try and then we would wait a little bit so that I wouldnt have to miss the very beginning of the next school year. So with that in mind, we really just stopped preventing more than trying.

Around the beginning of July, I started to "feel" like I might be pregnant. I can't really describe the feelings but i know, I didnt know this well with J and if you have had more than one child, youll understand what I mean. I didnt have symptoms really...just felt pregnant. I did feel kind of silly and was afraid to get my hopes up since I knew it had only been a few weeks of "non-preventing" so I didnt even tell James. I then tried to see if by dates, it was even possible. The problem was, since we really weren't trying, I honestly couldnt remember my "time of the month" dates! I did have it narrowed down to 2 or 3 weeks(crazy i know!) and so that didnt help at all.

Then, on July 19, Katie, James' sister, got engaged (to an AWESOME guy I might add) and we were all overwhelmed with joy. I still felt pregnant however there was an added symptom that I had with J and that was sore "ta-ta's" (trying not to get too graphic here) So the next day I decided to tell James. He was shocked and thrilled and wanted to get a test right away. I wanted to to wait because I figured I should be "starting" either that week or next and tests are RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE. James suggested that we get a test from the Dollar Tree..where everything truly is only a dollar. I looked at him like he was crazy and said Id NEVER trust those things! (raise your hand if you think or use to think the same thing....yeah, thats what I thought!) So, James did some research online and showed me several people that confirm how accurate they are. One sight had 150 posts about them and only 2 were negative and those were from people that hadnt tried them...just speculation. So, he twisted my arm and on Thursday we went to Dollar Tree. We picked up 2 tests and did one when we got home. It immediately and very clearly showed positive. Now, among all this research James did, he also found that it is sometimes normal to get a false negative but VERY uncommon to get a false positive because the pregnancy hormone has to be present enough for it to show positive. So with excitement (and still a little unsurety from me) we celebrated! I did take the other test the next day and we got the same results. It all still didnt seem quite real but nonetheless, we were overjoyed.

I think Ill stop here for now, as this is quite lengthy and continue with how we told our families in the next "episode." Hope you enjoyed and feel free to comment...BTW, if you have a blog youll understand, the more comments I get, the more I want to post b/c I can see that people are reading =)


  1. Exciting! I'm so glad you're writing a blog about this. Can't wait to read more.

  2. I am very excited about getting another great niece or great nephew. I am anxious to read the updates. Congratulations to the Moseley family.

  3. So excited for you guys! Keep the posts coming!

  4. Love yall....keep posting...tried to comment and so far, no luck

  5. We're thrilled for y'all - I know we don't see y'all very often, but we think about all y'all Moseleys and hope all is well w/you. Praying for a nice easy pregnancy for you!

  6. Hee-etha you are such a character!!!!!! Can't wait to hear more!!!!!

  7. Congratulations! I'm excited to hear all the stories.

  8. YAY!!! I'm so excited for you guys! I can't believe our due dates are only 2 days apart, that is NUTS! I'm so glad you decided to do another blog. A few weeks ago I went to your blog with J and read back through it and really enjoyed it! I'm with you on getting comments. I don't get a lot of comments on my blog, but people constantly tell me they are reading, but it feels like I'm talking to no one! It's therapeutic nonetheless for me! Look forward to reading through your journey as we go through ours!

  9. Wha hoo! Love the blog! Excited to get a new niece or nephew! And just in time for the wedding! Exciting year ahead!
